
Portrait dessin
Dessin petite fille
Petite fille dessinée à la main

How-to order

Portraits are drawn with red chalk or charcoal on a sheet of paper. Ask for the dimension of your choice up to A3 format.

There is no form on this site to order custom portraits. You need to get in contact at brigitte.m@by-bm.fr to detail your request and have your photos validated for drawing.

The price of a portrait is 150€ for each drawn face. An estimation of shipping fee is provided when ordering based on destination with a minumum of 8.50€ for France and 15€ elsewhere. An order with valid photos is final only when the payment has been received.

You choose the make time. However, competing requests for popular events generate delays. Anticipation is key.

I draw from the photos you e-mail me. They must not be blurred and have full resolution. You select one of them as drawing model. I can advise…

Scans will be sent while drawing so you can validate progress and style. The selected photo will be the model for the drawing. Once I start it will no longer be possible to change the model photograph.